Steamgifts Notifier Chrome Extension

Fixed, added, implemented, improved, parsing, giveaway, removed, jquery, steamgifts, extension, icon, update, feature, configuration, giveaways

Steamgifts Notifier for Chrome Download

  • Chrome Extension Page
    Deleted from Chrome Web store
  • Total Number of Extension users:
    133 +
  • Reviewed by :
    14 Chrome Users
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Steamgifts Notifier chrome extension is new giveaways notifier!. new giveaways notifier!.

This is an extension for google chrome browser for website.

v 1.2 - 05.10.2013 - Moving from jQuery to native JS - Moved from $.get to native xhr request (oh jQuery, appears that u suck too) - Temporal fix for images loading when initializing jquery object on html (seems so) - Moving to long lived connections for extension interop - Some more partial imporvements - improved winning odds calculation (Now counts copies) - Configuration resets with version change - added contributor ammount parsing - fixed search clear button glitch - Fixed pinneed and new icon glitches - implemented number shortener (eg: 1000 -> 1k) - Redisigned a bit to cleanup some space for new changes ;) - Moving to chrome extension messaging for "IPC" (50% Done) - Giveaway can now be compared using equals method - implemented status broadcasting - implemented gift rendering via new ipc - implemented loading overlay - Fixed userHref being undefined - added spacer rendering feature to BoxTemplate - made page update dynamically (need to figure out sorting) - implmented icon badge animation - Replaced Spacer with box margin bottom (why didnt i thing about that earlier) - Implemented ListManager (nice animations and great features) - Smoothed out a lot - added port manager to support multiple connections - refactored background page - getGiveaways now also informs about http status and text - Removed interop port - Parses steamgifts only when at least one client is present (additional feature) - fixed winchance calculation again :/ - fixed haschanged method - Improved Giveaway.toObject function - added giveaway generic methods - Added after render update functionality to BoxTemplate - Improved ListManager with better performace and animations (removed jquery animations) - Moved to hasher logic the items are inserted to their respective locations as of hasher (Not resorted after each update) - The Giveaways are dynamicaly updated when changes are updated (needs animation) - points diff moved to css animation (needs css clases) - Giveaways are removed as they expire v - 16.11.2012 * added winning chance icon * improved giveaway parsing * improved closed giveaway detection * improved copies parsing * improved author avatar parsing * Fixed coloring issue v - 16.11.2012 * added sorting feature (Yay!)

* New Design (Important party :( ) * Removed Scrollbar to free up some

Steamgifts Notifier is deleted from Previously it is on chrome store,its urls is

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