select chrome_id_no,plugin_tag_line,plugin_name,plugin_icon,sitemap_url,oldvsnew_comment from final_chrome_totaldata_sept2022 where MATCH(plugin_name) AGAINST('+break +time' IN Boolean MODE) order by users desc

Break Time Chrome Extensions

Total break time plugins - 4
Break Time Chrome extension download
Break Time Reminds to stand up and move around once in a while (which is good for health), with suggestions on activities during the breaks.
Time to Take a Break? Chrome extension download
Time to Take a Break? A reminder to take a quick break between Youtube videos and Netflix episodes
Duo Break Time Chrome extension download
Duo Break Time Use lingots to award progress in Duolingo with temporary access to otherwise blocked sites.
Time for a Break! Chrome extension download
Time for a Break! An extension to remind you to give a break to your eyes every 5 minutes for 20 seconds.
Google chrome extensions Download

We collect the latest most useful Google chrome extension from Google chrome Extensions directory . You can download Chrome extensions directly from here.