select chrome_id_no,plugin_tag_line,plugin_name,plugin_icon,sitemap_url,oldvsnew_comment from final_chrome_totaldata_sept2022 where MATCH(plugin_name) AGAINST('+millennials' IN Boolean MODE) order by users desc

Millennials Chrome Extensions

Total millennials plugins - 11
Millennials to Snake People Chrome extension download
Millennials to Snake People Replaces the text 'Millennial' with 'Snake People'.
Millennials Begone! Chrome extension download
Millennials Begone! Replaces the text 'millennial' with 'pesky whipper-snapper'.
Change millennials to adults under 40 Chrome extension download
Change millennials to adults under 40 Fueled by avocado toast and lack of a mortgage payment
Millennials to Snake People Pure Chrome extension download
Millennials to Snake People Pure Replaces the text 'Millennial' with 'Snake People', with easter eggs from the original MtSP v1.7 removed.
Millennials to kids these days Chrome extension download
Millennials to kids these days Changes 'millenials' to 'kids these days'
Millennials to Snake People - mini Chrome extension download
Millennials to Snake People - mini Replaces the text 'Millennial' with 'Snake People'.
Millennials to Adults Chrome extension download
Millennials to Adults Replaces the text 'Millennials' with 'Adults under ' and the number of years since 1980.
Millennials are people too Chrome extension download
Millennials are people too Changes any mention of millennials to 'people under 40', since by definition they were born from 1980 up until 1996.
Bad Dude Millennials Chrome extension download
Bad Dude Millennials Replace "millennials" with "bad dudes". Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the economy?
Millennials to Millenniums Chrome extension download
Millennials to Millenniums Replaces the text 'Millennial' with 'Milleniums'.
Millennials to Ungovernable Chrome extension download
Millennials to Ungovernable Replaces the text 'Millennial' with 'Ungovernable'.
Google chrome extensions Download

We collect the latest most useful Google chrome extension from Google chrome Extensions directory . You can download Chrome extensions directly from here.