select chrome_id_no,plugin_tag_line,plugin_name,plugin_icon,sitemap_url,oldvsnew_comment from final_chrome_totaldata_sept2022 where MATCH(plugin_name) AGAINST('+traffic +rank' IN Boolean MODE) order by users desc

Traffic Rank Chrome Extensions

Total traffic rank plugins - 5
Similarweb - Traffic Rank & Website Analysis Chrome extension download
Similarweb - Traffic Rank & Website Analysis See website traffic and key metrics for any website, including engagement rate, traffic ranking, keyword ranking and traffic source.
Alexa Traffic Rank Chrome extension download
Alexa Traffic Rank The official Alexa Traffic Rank extension
Quantcast - Traffic Rank & Audience Insights Chrome extension download
Quantcast - Traffic Rank & Audience Insights Get a top-level summary of any quantified domain, and verify your tag and labels are working.
Traffic Rank Chrome extension download
Traffic Rank Show site popularity into the toolbar as you browse to the site.
URIRANK - Alexa Traffic Rank Chrome extension download
URIRANK - Alexa Traffic Rank Alexa website ranking and analysis of all sites. Top 100 websites by country.
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