select chrome_id_no,plugin_tag_line,plugin_name,plugin_icon,sitemap_url,oldvsnew_comment from final_chrome_totaldata_sept2022 where MATCH(plugin_name) AGAINST('+uses +machine +learning' IN Boolean MODE) order by users desc

Uses Machine Learning Chrome Extensions

Total uses machine learning plugins - 4
Machine Learning is Magic Chrome extension download
Machine Learning is Magic This Chrome extension replaces 'Machine Learning' with 'Magic', since the usage is surprisingly similar.
Curated Machine Learning (Curated ML) Chrome extension download
Curated Machine Learning (Curated ML) Continuous learning platform for data scientists. Keep learning everyday with curated data science and machine learning resources.
Machine Learning Sentiment Analysis Chrome extension download
Machine Learning Sentiment Analysis This app allows you to perform Sentiment Analysis with Twitter and texts by using small Machine Learning.
Machine Learning to Magic Chrome extension download
Machine Learning to Magic Replaces the text 'Machine Learning' with 'Magic'.
Google chrome extensions Download

We collect the latest most useful Google chrome extension from Google chrome Extensions directory . You can download Chrome extensions directly from here.