The YouTube Ageist Chrome Extension

Age, youtube, extension, videos, video, link, quot, free, embedded, watch, ageism, https, ageist, gitlab, hit

The YouTube Ageist for Chrome Download

  • Chrome Extension Page
    Deleted from Chrome Web store
  • Total Number of Extension users:
    1.3K +
  • Reviewed by :
    12 Chrome Users
  • Author Name:
    offered by The PC Luddite
The YouTube Ageist chrome extension is Bypass YouTube age restrictions.

bypass youtube age restrictions.

Youre 15 years old, and your college age brother just sent you a hilarious video.

You gleefully click on the link only to discover that, to your horror, youve been discriminated against because of your age.

You wonder how something like this can still happen in todays society.

Free yourself from the tyranny!

"The youtube ageist" lets you watch whatever video you want, and you DONT have to prove that youre mature enough to watch it (because its YouTube, nobodys mature).

Ageism is the practice of discriminating against those of a certain age group.

The name of this extension is slightly misleading since it implies that it promotes ageism.

It does not.

How it works: - google doesnt place this restriction on embedded videos for some reason.

This extension uses the videos embed link and places it right into YouTube, so you feel right at home.

- You can test it yourself on this video by GoodNeighborStuff: Known issues: - unrestricted videos may lack features such as "Theater Mode" and the suggested/related videos you usually see on the right - You may need to hit the refresh button when youre watching a playlist.

This will try to be fixed in later versions.

- If the video youre trying to watch cant be embedded, you may be out of luck The working version of this extension is on GitLab:

The YouTube Ageist is deleted from Previously it is on chrome store,its urls is

The YouTube Ageist Related Chrome Extensions