Timeline Cleaner (Facebook Seppuku) Chrome Extension

Facebook, click, posts, timeline, content, extension, update, url, load, tags, menu, remove, including, activity, cl

Timeline Cleaner (Facebook Seppuku) for Chrome Download

  • Chrome Extension Page
    Deleted from Chrome Web store
  • Total Number of Extension users:
    17.1K +
  • Reviewed by :
    153 Chrome Users
  • Author Name:
    offered by Nic Dienstbier
Timeline Cleaner (Facebook Seppuku) chrome extension is Timeline Cleaner allows you to delete all your Facebook Timeline posts with the click of a button and ticking of a few checkboxes..

timeline cleaner allows you to delete all your facebook timeline posts with the click of a button and ticking of a few checkboxes..

update 2/26/16: Working on an update!

please stay tuned!

UPDATE 2/7/15: Title change, you can now hide all your content instead of deleting it, and slight speed improvements.

UPDATE 2/6/15: Cleanup, new icons, options panel integrated into a menu after you click the icon in the url bar.

UPDATE 2/5/15: Fix for users without a vanity url (thanks Alex), and notifications to smooth the cleansing process.

It can delete all your timeline entries including posts, links, shares, comments, likes and photo tags.

please email me if you have any content issues refusing to be cleansed or suggestions on improving the tool.

INSTRUCTIONS: After installing the extension, go to your activity log, and click the new blue icon in the URL bar.

A menu should fly out asking what types of content to remove.

Check your boxes, and then click start.

It starts right away, but it first has to slowly load your entire timeline.

In preliminary tests it went through 75 posts a minute.

NOTE: Your facebook page may appear broken or slightly unresponsive while its running, including the chat.

The extension rejects requests from facebook trying to load images it encounters, while we gather all the posts together.

This increases performance and lessens memory usage.

NOTE: Facebook has decided that we should not be able to remove text [share|post|comment] tags by others, from our activity log.

next best thing, Facebook has given us the ability to "Reach out to a friend and talk it through with someone we trust", so theres always that!


Timeline Cleaner (Facebook Seppuku) is deleted from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/. Previously it is on chrome store,its urls is https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/timeline-cleaner-facebook/ooimeknpoejjpkmgeibojeklnklcjchf

Timeline Cleaner (Facebook Seppuku) Related Chrome Extensions