Twitter Conversation Killer Chrome Extension

Conversation, tweet, latest, extension, feed, click, toggle, tweets, app, web, part, twitters, complained, update, killer

Twitter Conversation Killer for Chrome Download

  • Chrome Extension Page
    Deleted from Chrome Web store
  • Total Number of Extension users:
    12 +
  • Reviewed by :
    1 Chrome Users
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Twitter Conversation Killer chrome extension is This alters the feed so you only see the latest tweet in a conversation. You can still click the tweet to toggle the conversation..

This alters the feed so you only see the latest tweet in a conversation. You can still click the tweet to toggle the conversation..

A lot of people have complained about the latest update to twitters web app with the way conversations are now displayed.

This extension does one thing only, it hides all tweets in a conversation, except the last one, so your tweet feed isnt cluttered with multiple copies of the same tweet.

Tweets that are part of a conversation still has the line above it, indicating its status as part of a conversation, so theyre easy to find if you want to click it and toggle the conversation view.

Twitter Conversation Killer is deleted from Previously it is on chrome store,its urls is

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