Universal Shopping Search Chrome Extension

Amazon, ebay, ca, search, sites, chrome, sears, newegg, international, uk, google, cengagebrain, general, books, buy

Universal Shopping Search for Chrome Download

  • Chrome Extension Page
    Deleted from Chrome Web store
  • Total Number of Extension users:
    240 +
  • Reviewed by :
    7 Chrome Users
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Universal Shopping Search chrome extension is Fast search Amazon, eBay, Buy.com, BestBuy and Newegg etc. with keyword suggestions. Supports international sites..

fast search amazon, eBay, Buy.com, BestBuy and Newegg etc. with keyword suggestions. Supports international sites..

DISCLAIMERS: Amazon™ and Amazon™ logos are trademarks of Amazon.com; Google Chrome™ and Google™ logos are trademarks of Google Inc. supported sites include: Amazon™ and eBay™ with international support: - Amazon™: amazon.com, amazon.co.uk, amazon.de, amazon.fr, amazon.co.jp, amazon.it - eBay™: ebay.com, ebay.co.uk, ebay.at, ebay.au, ebay.ch, ebay.be, ebay.nl, ebay.it, ebay.ie, ebay.fr, ebay.de, ebay.es, ebay.ca - Amabay (compare Amazon™ and eBay™ prices in US, UK, Germany, France and Canada) General Store: - Target.com - Kmart.com Electronics: - Bestbuy.com - Buy.com - Newegg.com - TheSource.ca Health and Beauty: - Drugstore.com Jewelry: - Diamond.com Shoes: - Endless.com - Finishline.com - Shoemetro.com - Shoebuy.com - Zappos.com Books: - CengageBrain.com - Chegg.com - Half.com Appliances and Tools: - Sears.com - Sears.ca Office Supplies: - Staples.com

Universal Shopping Search is deleted from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/. Previously it is on chrome store,its urls is https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/universal-shopping-search/bipphjnoepdnoihefdlbjopljdkecinp

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