JSON is a very popular file format using by full-stack web developers as well as mobile app developers.
many individuals take advantage of JSON as a lightweight for mini projects in their day-to-to-day tasks. I made a list of chrome extensions that work with JSON data in the standard JSON format. You can display JSON data, edit JSON data, and add nodes to a JSON file using these google call extensions.
It's not uncommon to have a JSON object inside a browser tab that we need to read, which can be challenging. but with these plugins, you can work with JSON files very easily, and it has many tools and features that simplify working with JSON files.
We will need to look for an online tool that will convert it to an easy-to-read format so that we can comprehend it.
Now, there's a Chrome and Firefox extension that does the formatting and makes your jsons look nice right in your browser, without you having to go through a lot of measures.
they support JSON and JSONP and highlight the syntax, allowing you to distinguish between different attributes and values. It also includes the ability to collapse nodes, as well as clickable URLs that can be opened in new tabs and the raw, unformatted JSON.
It works with any JSON page you open, regardless of the URL. After you allow it in chrome:/extensions, it also works with local files. By typing json into the terminal, you can inspect the JSON.
Install the extension here for Chrome and here for Firefox, and then test it by visiting this API response, for example.
Your eyes have never seen a more stunning and customizable JSON/JSONP highlighter. It's a Chrome extension that allows you to print JSON and jsonp data.
Other JSON highlighters/ formatters will cause this extension to crash; you may need to disable them.
You must manually allow these options on the extensions page to highlight local files and incognito tabs.
When Chrome upgrades a plugin, it often leaves the old background process running and disables certain features, such as access to local data. If this occurs, simply recheck the choice and everything should function again.
If you allow this in chrome:/extensions, it will work on local files.
The original JSON Formatter, now with optional dark mode ? Auto-formats JSON when you load it in a browser tab. FEATURES - Fast, even
It is a Chrome extension for printing JSON and JSONP. Notes: * This extension might crash with other JSON highlighters/formatters, you may need
JSONView port for Chrome. Original firefox extension is here: http://benhollis.net/software/jsonview/ Notes: - JSON is validated using a client-side javascript implementation of
A completely free extension to visualise JSON response in awesome Tree and Chart view with great user experience and options. ✅
Two features : - Copy all opened tabs URL into clipboard. 4 formats available : Text, HTML, JSON and custom format. - Paste
Normally when encountering a JSON document (content type 'application/json'), the browser simply shows plain text. With the JSONView extension, JSON documents
作者:zhaoxianlie 官网:https://www.baidufe.com/fehelper JSON Auto Format Tool. 其他更多工具,可在配置页动态安装!
对JSON格式的内容进行浏览和编辑,以树形图样式展现JSON文档,并可实时编辑。 Edit and browse JSON document in a node tree diagram. After installed, open the URL will trigger JSON-handle: 安装后打开下面网址可以看到JSON-handle启动的效果: http://jsonhandle.sinaapp.com/demo.json
To use this extension, click the puzzle piece in the top right, then click on Export Chrome History. This extension is limited
Features • View and edit JSON side by side in treeview and a code editor. • Edit, add, move, remove, and duplicate fields
JSONViewer port for Chrome is an updated version of Gildas JSOnView extension. Features: * Syntax highlighting * Collapsible trees, with indent guides amd
Makes JSON easy to read. Open source. A fork of the original (no-longer updated) extension by Callum Locke. FEATURES •
Generating structured data markup for your webpages doesnt have to be hard! No more having to learn each Schema type, which elements
JSON Formatter automatically formats and prettifies JSON in Chrome. It comes with support for syntax highlighting and over 60 themes. It
Save Chrome history and bookmarks as JSON files. Click on Chrome History.json or Chrome Bookmarks.json button to download JSON file with your
No Cookie and server side processing : Most of the available tool use cookie and server side processing to formate,store,process JSON
This is a port of Firefoxs JSON Viewer If you open a JSON file in the browser, it is parsed and given
JavaScript Object Notation is a text-based standard format for representing structured data based upon JavaScript object syntax. JSON is used to
The JSON Formatter & Validator helps debugging JSON data by formatting and validating JSON data so that it is easily read
This extension monitors JSON pages and converts them into a human-readable object. You can view, edit, search through values and keys.