Replaces all pictures on all webpages to Ainsley Harriot. Fork of nCage and nGabe extensions. Version 1.1 - Updated name from Aineslify to Ainslefy
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Ainslefy Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Ainslefy Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Displays a helpful hair on the screen
Replaces 1% of web images with John Cena
Make every link on the web fart on click/hover!
Let Shia Labeouf motivate you with 'JUST DO IT!' monolugue
Troll your coworkers making their navigation well caged
Change images into Michael Rosen
Everytime you open a new tab, you see Nicholas Cage
Type Upside Down on Google Chrome!
such god doge
Largest Web Store meme soundboard with over 700 sounds! Made by