Ever wanted to prank someone with those picture-replacement apps such as nCage or nGabe, but didnt want every single picture to be replaced? Now you can long-term prank someone by only replacing 1% of all images they see, so that they dont suspect an extension is installed, but are still extremely confused when it does occur.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the nCena Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the nCena Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Displays a helpful hair on the screen
Extension to very slightly mis-align everything on every page
1 in 50 chance of a new tab opening up the glory of John Cena
Troll your coworkers making their navigation well caged
Play subtle pranks on unsuspecting victims
Type Upside Down on Google Chrome!
Goes through all the links on a webpage and changes some of them to rickrolls.
Replaces all images on all pages to Ainesley Harriot. Derived from nCage code. All images belong to respective owners.
And his name is John Cena
Changes links at random into rickrolls and other fun and annoying memes! Annoy yourself or your friends!