Note: this extension is not affiliated with Audible. ? QUICK USAGE INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Go to your Audible library and click the 'Audible Library Extractor' button right below the search input 2. In the next view you can choose what to extract and start the extraction process by clicking the big blue button. After the extraction is done a new tab with the gallery is opened. You can also open it any time by right-clicking anywhere in an open tab under the Audible Library Extractor menu item and then 'Extension gallery'. ? DOCUMENTATION: You can find this documentation any time by right-clicking anywhere in an open tab under the 'Audible Library Extractor' menu item. ? PROJECT IN GITHUB:
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Audible Library Extractor Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Audible Library Extractor Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Easily control the speed of your audible audiobook in the cloud player.
Makes 'Play' button to open Audible cloudplayer in a tab instead of new window which gets lost and not easily accessible
This extension allows to order sortable goodreads bookshelves via dragging
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This app offers a single button when selecting text that opens in another background tab. Just right click after…
See books, music and more at your local library as you browse the internet