Makes Play button to open Audible cloud-player/web-player in a new tab instead of new window which gets lost and not easily accessible. June 2nd 2018: Has been updated to work with changes in Audible November 7th 2018: Updated to work with April 25th 2020: Has been updated to work with changes in Audible. Request to update reviews/ratings since those are based on older version. Jan 31st 2022: Add support for Audible UK. Thanks for the PR: David Schor (@SagaciousFool) Aug 23rd 2022: Add support for all Audible domains. Migrate to Manifest V3. Jan 9th, 2024: Add support to single audiobook view Thanks for the PR: David Schor (@SagaciousFool). Fix extension breaking when podcasts appear in my library Style the 'Play in Tab' button to match Audible button style which also improves visibility of the button. (Thanks for the feedback Jean :) Contribute:
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Audible Play in Tab Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Audible Play in Tab Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Easily control the speed of your audible audiobook in the cloud player.
Free Kindle Books are directly in your browser
Displays Goodreads rankings for books in Audible store
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Audiobook downloads and streaming for less! Over 250,000 Titles!
This extension mutes previous audible tabs when a new tab starts making sound. Toggle mute current tab: Cmd+Shift+8
Make your Google Voice page a little better.
NPRone : autoplay, speed up audio, and more
Listen to podcasts in the background of Chrome! Sync content across computers, manage your feeds, save progress, get new episodes!
Extracts your Audible library metadata and automatically generates a locally viewable gallery that can also be uploaded online.