The extension helps the users to fill a form with junk values on a click of a button. You can easily make changes to the junk values and submitting the form automatically saves the value. The next time you fill that same form its going to fill, last filled details. The extension intelligently fills the value of the form field, so in-case of a phone number / email it will provide you a valid format, but obviously these values wont be correct until you edit them. This extension is a boon for developers as this helps them test their work faster. This extension even saves the values if you change junk values filled automatically by the extension. Hence its extremely helpful for the developers. Developers and testers can use this to add junk values. There are a lot of easter eggs for the developers which they will find slowly and gradually. ;) Key features: - Absolutely no configuration required. - Just click on the extension icon on the top right corner of your browser and get values filled. - Learns from your inputs and changes you do in the form. - Fills random values for unrecognised fields. Whats New (v1.12): - Added Offline support Whats New (v1.11): - Now the input boxes are even more intelligent. The first time random values will be intelligently derived as per your fields. - Bug fixes Whats New (v1.10): - Added support for readonly and disabled inputs - Removed a few important fields from getting filled randomly (v1.8): - Added support for chosen and radio buttons. - Pre-filled information will remain intact.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Auto Form Filler Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Auto Form Filler Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
One-click form filler that supports multiple profiles and regular expression rules
A form filler that fills all inputs on a page with fake/dummy data.
The most advanced tool for filling forms with fake and random data.
Enter text into input fields by choosing items from the context menu or using the optional autocomplete.
The most popular autofill extension, boosting productivity since 2010.
Auto fill in your form using your saved information
Enable testers to fill forms automatically/on-demand based on (sets of) rules they wrote / captured.
Simple tool that fills forms with random data or predefined edge cases.