Updated to use bitly api V4 And the api key is now synced by your google account * Make right-click on the link to shorten contents of a 'href' attribute * Make right-click on the selected text to treat it as link and shorten it * To shorten current tabs URL click extensions button located on the right from address bar Short URL will be automatically copied to the clipboard. Code can be found on Github: https://github.com/Matthijz98/Url-shortener-chome-extension
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the BitLy Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the BitLy Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
The best way to create short links using T.LY, JPEG.ly, Bitly, Rebrandly, TinyUrl, and more!
Create short, powerful links and QR Codes and share them with the world.
View and manage your bookmarks in a popup.
Shortens URLs with various services.
Short URL is a free extension for Google Chrome to allowing anyone to take any existing URL and shorten it
Chromerly is a simple yet featureful URL-shortener extension.
Firelinks service to convert long URLs or Links of websites to short.
Create and share short links using tinyurl, bit.ly, cutt.ly, is.gd, v.gd, tny.im and also generate QR code for shortened Url
Extension for comfortable reading the articles of RPubs.
Make a short link.