Do you ever wish you could browse in your favorite browser on desktop and simultaneously see the same pages on one or multiple devices (iPhone, Android, Windows and their tablet versions). How it works? - install this extension and activate it for a selected tab - install and run BrowSync app on your favorite device - pair the extension and your devices with a secret phrase - start browsing on your desktop and watch the same pages on your devices.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the BrowSync Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the BrowSync Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Send and receive messages to and from your Android Device through AutoRemote
Collect and analyze CSS.
Remote Preview allows to preview any URL on large number of mobile devices simultaneously
New stuff for Android Devs
The easiest way to access all the productivity settings and developer tools hidden in the Google Chrome™ browser.
ADB Plugin for remote debugging Chrome on Android (Now deprecated)
Fast and easy way to test your responsive design in multiple viewports
A quick access toolbox of Android developer tools, calculators and information.
Muir plugin for Chrome notifies the Muir desktop app to synchronize responsive browser testing on mobile devices.