PRIVACY POLICY - Please read - Sumup: Every possible transmission is via secure (HTTPS) protocol! Only non-identification information is collected internally in this CacheList extension = no way to transfer anywhere. CacheList permission explanation: --------------------------------- CacheList needs permission for access to Geocaching website* (secure https variant, of course), because CacheList asynchronously read data about selected Geocaching “Cache” by you -> and thanks to it, CacheList can locally save this information for future printing or generating file (gpx, loc, kml and other formats) for you. CacheList needs place content scripts (JavaScript script executed on Geocaching pages) because it is required to place the CacheList action button (icon) for collecting concrete selected Geocaching “Cache”.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the CacheList Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the CacheList Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Overlay a circle, image, KML or Terrain on Google Map Maker
The shortcut to Mystery Cache Solutions. Enriches with a set of tools for decryption and working with coordinates.
Want to view a cached website? With WebCache it takes 1 click to view the Google Cache, Wayback Machine,, or Coral CDN!
Switch between different map services. Convert coordinates and directions and jump to the same location on another map.
Search for Geocaching Trackables or a Geocache With An Easy To Use Extension
Geocaching list from - export GPX, edit, print, map.
Shows your friends logs at the top of the window, so you don't need to View logbook>friends logs on every cache.
A collection of useful features that enhances
Shows GeoKrety trackables on cache pages and facilitates dropping GK trackables into GC caches.