Really simple and fast way of tweeting within Chrome. - Tweet anything you want. - Tweet to share the current page (default). Features: - The tweet window will automatically close after tweeting. - No need to add permissions to twitter.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Click n' Tweet Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Click n' Tweet Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Just tweet browsing site, without any other features
This extension allows you to share a link on twitter via one-click.
A button that lets you tweet the current page title and url.
Share current tab, links and selected text on Twitter.
Allows you to share text,images,content,links,pages,etc. to your twitter account
Just fixing some common performance bottleneck annoyances on Enjoy smooth scrolling at 60FPS! #ThankMeLater
Tweet whatever you are viewing (text, images, links etc) with a right-click!