Very very very simple tweet button. Just tweet current site title and URL. No other features like the count. You cat get whole source codes from here: Changes in 1.1: * Add 'tabs' permission to work with new version of Chrome. * Change prefix for page title as '»'. (it will be configurable in future version)
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Just Tweet Button Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Just Tweet Button Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
はてなブックマークを Google Chrome でより便利に使える、はてなオフィシャルの拡張です
A super fast dictionary for language learners
A button that lets you tweet the current page title and url.
Share current tab, links and selected text on Twitter.
Tweet in one click within Chrome
Update your Twitter status right from Chrome's Omnibox (URL bar).
Twitter Web App ( のツイート内画像を右クリックした際に「画像をオリジナルサイズで保存」メニューを表示します。
This extension hides trending information from twitter timelines to make your mind calm.