Allows you to remove any element from a website. Temporarily or permanently. Be it an advertisment missed by your ad-blocker, fixed menu, distracting GIF image, overly animated slideshow or anything else getting in your way. Features: - easily remove multiple elements in a row (no need for a cumbersome context menu) - highlights elements under the cursor - customizable keyboard shortcut for activation - remember removed elements for a particular website or hide only temporarily - works flawlessly with iframes, embeds and ads - minimal memory and performance footprint - power user feature - customize CSS selectors New in v3: - preview which elements were removed - use space to remove elements resistant to mouse clicks - improved CSS selectors - more resilient UI - the much requested import/export feature - undo removed elements (Ctrl+Z / ⌘+Z) - dark mode
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Click to Remove Element Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Click to Remove Element Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Remove an HTML element from the context menu (right-click).
Allows hiding of almost anything via context menu.
Creates a contextual menu item to remove an element from the DOM
Easily clean the site you're on! Use: Hold CTRL and click the mouse right button on the element you want to remove.
Make annoying page elements magically disappear!
Easily remove desired HTML5 elements with just one click!
This extension can hide or remove selected elements on a page. Useful for removing invasive adverts, banners and overlays.
sometimes you just want to get rid of an element quickly
Hides elements that contain 'key'words set by user
Content Blocker - The perfect addition to your ad blocker for undistracked surfing on the internet.