This very simple extension places a small analogue clock next to the address box. Simple as that. You can add a digital clock, change the colours, add reminders with alerts and there is a full calendar to see if you click the clock, and a full screen clock too... ... or do none of those and simply use the clock as it is. The choice is yours. All your settings are securely synchronised to all the computers that you use this extension on. For help and support, take a look at the support pages at Clock for Google Chrome™ is available in lots of languages.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Clock for Google Chrome™ Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Clock for Google Chrome™ Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
A simple digital clock for the toolbar. This is JUST THE HOURS. Pair with the minutes for an awesome readable clock in your toolbar!
The best clock to see in one glance the current date and time. With an option to see the digital clock in the browser toolbar.
An extension fully loaded with tons of useful time-related features... But the best part is, it is totally COOL.
This extension shows the time and date in the toolbar
A simple, ultra-lightweight clock to replace your tab menu.
A simple digital clock for the toolbar. This is JUST THE MINUTES. Pair with the hours for an awesome readable clock in your toolbar!
A digital clock for your browser toolbar. UPDATED: Ability to change colors.
Shows the time (hours and minutes) next to the omnibox.
A simple and customizable clock
Show the current time on toolbar and small calendar on popup window.