Press on the extension button to show popup window. Click on date picker to show calendar. Use 'Options' dialog to switch Am/Pm mode to off or select font color.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Toolbar Clock CE-7 Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Toolbar Clock CE-7 Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
A simple date for the toolbar. This is JUST THE DAY OF THE WEEK. Pair with the JUST A CLOCK extensions!
An extension fully loaded with tons of useful time-related features... But the best part is, it is totally COOL.
This extension shows the time and date in the toolbar
An analogue clock in the toolbar!
A simple digital clock for the toolbar. This is JUST THE MINUTES. Pair with the hours for an awesome readable clock in your toolbar!
A digital clock for your browser toolbar. UPDATED: Ability to change colors.
Displays a digital clock on a page.
Shows a clock on the 'New Tab' page.
Show the current time like analog clock face on toolbar and small calendar on popup window.
Just a simple clock