Colorpeek is a tiny web app for quickly seeing and sharing CSS colors. The extension can parse colors from three different sources: 1. Text selections (hex values you received in an email, for example) 2. Prominent colors in an image 3. CSS colors used on a webpage Great for designers, developers, or anyone tired of spelunking through web inspectors, opening up Photoshop or hunting and pecking with an eyedropper just to grab color values. Additional features: - Customize the output of webpage palettes (hide/show black, white, grays or semi-transparent colors) - Change the amount of colors returned for images - Use from the toolbar or right-click menu Follow for info and updates Try the web app at
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Colorpeek Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Colorpeek Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Latest news on your New Tab Page. Be informed. Stay inspired.
A simple CSS property viewer.
Collect and analyze CSS.
A handy generator for all of your CSS3 needs from within the browser
CSS Color Names Reference
Bringing awesome colors and fonts to the new tab page! A little bit of something fresh every time you hit that new tab button.
Fast and easy way to test your responsive design in multiple viewports
Provides Chrome browser integration for the official LiveReload apps (Mac & Windows) and third-parties like guard-livereload and…
Full information about any color (schemes, shades, conversion in rgb, hsl, etc.). Eyedropper, Color Picker and Gradient Generator.
Analyses any web page for violations of best practices