Modify the Google Calendar UI to include full-page background images or colors. Use your own images, or purchase from sets of provided themes. For support, see:
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Custom Calendar Background Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Custom Calendar Background Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
On Google Calendar... Sunday, Saturday, Today, and other weekdays, You can select the text color and background color.
More events. Less toolbar.
A little visual addon that adds special markup to tags and question marks in event names.
A mini journal tucked into your browser.
Custom Colour for Weekends in Google Calendar
Take your duplicate Google Calendar events and merge them into one event.
Stay focused in a pleasant way.
Colorize events in the new Google Calendar. (Keywords: Gcal color colors event)
Standalone Desktop app for Google Tasks. Export and share your Google Tasks lists in one click.
Adds more colors to Google Calendar!