Lookup definitions from Dictionary.net - free online dictionary website. Just highlight the necessary word in your browser, right-click on it and then choose the 'Lookup in Dictionary.net' option in menu. You will be redirected to the appropriate page on Dictionary.net with dictionary definitions for this word, along with pronunciation, antonyms, quotes, rhymes, usage examples and other helpful information.
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Dictionary Bubble (Instant Dictionary): quickly lookup word definitions with audio pronunciation as you browse the web.
Looks up online Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary for the selected text
Quick access to reference pages on thefreedictionary.com and freethesaurus.com.
Highlights rare English dictionary words and idioms on web pages. Facilitates English language learning and expands your vocabulary.
Lookup the selected word/phrase in Urban Dictionary. You can see the result instantly in the same tab. No new tab is opened.
Looks up the selected text on a world famous online dictionary.
Stop wasting your time searching manually
An extension that gets words that rhyme with your selected (double clicked) word. Useful for poetry.
Simple dic is a dictionary chrome extension for easy to check words on a web page
Thesaurus: Synonym option added to right click menu (+Urban Dictionary)