Lets you set browser keyboard shortcuts containing Ctrl and Alt keys (Ctrl+S, Ctrl+P, Ctrl+Shift+C, etc.) to do nothing. Just head on over to chrome://extensions/shortcuts and assign away! Small, simple, and requires no permissions. Licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0. Source: https://git.benjamin.barenblat.name/disable-keyboard-shortcuts
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Disable 'key'board shortcuts Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Disable 'key'board shortcuts Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Custom 'key'board shortcuts for your browser
Global shortcuts working everywhere (including outside of Chrome if you wish).
Allows you to add custom hot'key's to a website.
The Hacker's Browser. Vimium provides 'key'board shortcuts for navigation and control in the spirit of Vim.
Set custom 'key'board shortcuts for Chrome: View extension options, or browse to chrome://extensions/shortcuts to set.
Customize 'key'board shortcuts and hot'key's, Mouse gestures, Wheel gestures, Rocker gestures, Bookmark shortcuts, Joystick actions.
Closes highlighted tabs. To replace ctrl-w on Windows/Linux for Vim users!
Customisable hot'key's for basic browser actions.