HOW TO USE: After installation, works only in NEW or RELOADED tabs. Those tabs must be WEB PAGES too. Click on the icon in location bar to disable/enable for a page. To change options, go to Extensions and click on Options for this extension. Or right-click on icon(if present) in location bar and click Options. LIMITATIONS: This extension works by plugging JavaScript into pages you load. As such, it cannot change system settings like disabling default hotkeys of Chrome. It also works only when you are in tabs with actual web pages, and not every web page works (see your luck :P). Finally, some shortcut combinations may not work. Right now, these are limitations that cannot be overcome. CHANGES: 0.13 had a bug with saving options. Fixed now. 0.14 had some options not working. Fixed now. 0.20 change the way the blocklist works Recent changes made because Google required developers to make some changes. As it has been so long since I worked on extensions, I might miss out some things. I wont be maintaining this extension much, though. 0.21 remove host permission DESCRIPTION: Enable/disable hotkeys and change shortcuts for browser actions. Default keys are from Gamers Control. You can enable/disable hotkeys temporarily by clicking on the icon in the omnibar. Blocklist interface is only for advanced users. You can specify the URL where the hotkeys will be disabled. After installation, it will only work on new or reloaded tabs. PERMISSIONS: tabs: create new tabs (through hotkeys), etc storage: store custom hotkeys/blocklist CREDITS: Gamers Control by vawerv shortcut.js by Binny V A keycode.js by Jonathan Tang AutoControl seems like a better extension (this is not an endorsement and Ive not used it myself)
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Hot'key's Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Hot'key's Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Choose from 1000+ Google™ shortcuts to show up as buttons in a space-saving popup
Adds hot'key's ('key'board shortcuts) to your salesforce record page. Example - CTRL + E for edit, CTRL + S for save and many more!
Add 'key'board shortcuts to switch tabs with a Quicksilver-style search or a most recently used menu
Custom 'key'board shortcuts for your browser
Global shortcuts working everywhere (including outside of Chrome if you wish).
Allows you to add custom hot'key's to a website.
This extension provides shortcuts to locations in Google Chrome
Disable arbitrary 'key'board shortcuts
Set custom 'key'board shortcuts for Chrome: View extension options, or browse to chrome://extensions/shortcuts to set.
Customize 'key'board shortcuts and hot'key's, Mouse gestures, Wheel gestures, Rocker gestures, Bookmark shortcuts, Joystick actions.