Readability Enhancements: - Home & channel feeds: x2 stories per page as you scroll - Explore Discussions & related discussions sidebar is easier to scan - Highlight newly created discussions for channels you moderate & people you follow - Community guidelines link is now a button instead of a tiny text link Hidden: - discussion excerpts & highlighted comment - share to social media link
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Disqus Condensed Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Disqus Condensed Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Reddit Faster lets you open a subreddit just by typing its name, search Reddit straight from your address bar, and more.
Clip Web Page content and save it to Clibu. See
Publish a thought in seconds.
This extension shows the number of downvotes of Disqus comments.
Rewind Reddit - Slide back in time in reddit comments
Provides a killfile for certain blogs.
Automatically shows replies and new comments in Disqus discussions. Stops autoplay media and opens URLs in a new tab/window.