e-clock is a new tab replacement which shows you the current time and the weather. Lets you completely customize its look and feel. ★Minimal design, decent level of customization★ ★Simple elegant, runs well★ ★Funky and very comfortable★ Features: ✔ current time and date in 24 or 12 hour format ✔ local weather forecast ✔ quick access to default apps, bookmarks, history and more ✔ plenty of customization options(backgrounds, colors, fonts, etc.) If you have any idea, feature request, question or found a bug, please, add your feedback so I can improve e-clock.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the e-clock Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the e-clock Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
A simple digital clock for the toolbar. This is JUST THE HOURS. Pair with the minutes for an awesome readable clock in your toolbar!
An extension fully loaded with tons of useful time-related features... But the best part is, it is totally COOL.
Minimalist new tab clock, with customizable background.
A simple, ultra-lightweight clock to replace your tab menu.
An analogue clock in the toolbar!
A simple digital clock for the toolbar. This is JUST THE MINUTES. Pair with the hours for an awesome readable clock in your toolbar!
A digital clock for your browser toolbar. UPDATED: Ability to change colors.
Design your own 'new tab' - site with individual favorite pictures and expand it with innovative widgets.
Replace your new tab with a minimalistic and customizable homepage featuring a clock, todo list, weather, bookmarks and much more!
Replace your new tab with the weather and a todolist displayed over a popular image from Reddit.