Errator is a simple yet useful extension that brings javascript errors front and center to your main Chrome toolbar. 0.0.4 Add i18n support for major languages. Errator is 100% localizable. 0.0.3 Added options for whitelisting and blacklisting url patterns. Errator now defaults to run only on whitelisted domains. See the extension options to change Errator to run on all pages except those in the exclusion blacklist. 0.0.2 Clicking the Errator icon opens a log of caught javascript errors and their stack traces in a Chrome popup. 0.0.1 Initial release
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Errator Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Errator Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
A simple way to monitor websites. Extension created by Ale Mohamad.
Hoverzoom files and folders in Github
Look for patterns inside HTML, JS, CSS and AJAX code
ErrorAnnex is the easiest way to listen for errors on your products and sites around the web.
Extension for the Developer Tools to display the properties of an associated The-M-Project object.
Diagnostic CSS stylesheet that helps visually detect any potentially invalid, inaccessible or erroneous HTML markup.
Find all elements with a specific style on any website
Logs function calls in DevTools console.
Simple developer tool extension for creating macros and exporting them.