Download ErrorAnnex chrome extension. ErrorAnnex is the easiest way to listen for errors on your products and sites around the web. and install in your Google chrome browser. This is Direct ErrorAnnex Crx download for Chrome it is also called ErrorAnnex offline CRX for chrome Download. This ErrorAnnex is used to ErrorAnnex is the easiest way to listen for errors on your products and sites around the web.
Toggle classes and attributes
Enhances the Chrome Page not Found Error Page with Whois, NSLookup, Domain Registration, Search, Cache and other utilities links
Adds an 'Open as...' context menu with configurable actions: search, open on an API, 100% scriptable (via CoffeeScript).
Errator brings javascript errors front and center.
Logs function calls in DevTools console.
Capture and resolve issues in your web application.