I found myself in a situation where I was browsing the JSON responses of an API I was working on, and I just wanted to right click some of the ids to open them in a new tab. Some of these were facebook IDs, which I wanted to open on facebooks graph API, and some were internal IDs I wanted to look up on our own internal APIs. With this extension you can write your own resolvers in CoffeeScript, for example to grab an id from a webpage, look it up on your own api and finally opening a page in the browser. Or you could create search shortcuts for your favorite search engines. The context menu gets updated with your resolvers instantly. Or you can do anything else as long as its possible in CoffeeScript ;)
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Not my department Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Not my department Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Development Tool to develop, inspect and debug Atma.js Components
Output Keen IO analytics data in the JavaScript console
Show user details and repository info in a tooltip.
Adds a confirmation dialog to the Github and Gist Fork button.
Enhance your console... in a terrible, terrible way.
Extends Chrome Developer Tools, adding panels that display information about Catberry components and more
Strips css from pages on request