Feedly notifier is a tiny extension that keeps you up to date with your feedly subscriptions. **Features** - unread news count - unread news headers (with direct link on the news site) in the popup window - article preview in the popup window - ability to set categories for updates - HTTPS support - ability to mark news as read - ability to save feeds for later reading - ability to filter feeds by category in the popup - ability to open site on button click (work as a counter only) - desktop notifications - background mode **Translation** Help us to translate the extension or improve existing translations. https://poeditor.com/join/project?hash=2fZxqOmDJo **Changelog** https://github.com/olsh/Feedly-Notifier/releases **Support** If you found a bug or you have a suggestion, please let us know. You can report about it here: https://github.com/olsh/Feedly-Notifier/issues **Source code** https://github.com/olsh/Feedly-Notifier
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Feedly Notifier Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Feedly Notifier Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Add Mercury to Feedly and show the full content of articles
Quickly save an article you are reading in your browser in one of your Feedly boards
Adds one-click subscription to your toolbar.
Found a source your like? This extension allows you to find the RSS for that source and quickly add it to one of your Feedly feeds.
Simple RSS reader
Fixes a few UI elements for easy reading with InoReader
Open Feedly Links in a Preview Window using shortcut 'key'
One-click subscribe with Feedly
Easily add content to your Feedly while browsing
Reduce the margin RSS Reader.