Quickly save any webpage to one of your Feedly personal or team boards. Share and shine. This extension also allows you to collect real-time social media sharing information on the articles you read in your Feedly New in 4.0: - Loads two times faster than version 3.0 - Enhanced security and privacy
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Save to Feedly Board Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Save to Feedly Board Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
All-in-one bookmark manager
Extension for Feedly news reader
Add Mercury to Feedly and show the full content of articles
Open Feedly Links in Background Tab using shortcut 'key'
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Search, annotate and organize what you've read online.
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Easily Subscribe RSS and Atom Feeds to Feedly.
Instapaper browser extension to save links for offline reading.