Say goodbye to manual copy and paste: Use Clip to save your favorite webpages to Feishu Docs with one click. No more unwanted advertisements: Feishu Clips can identify and block advertisements on webpages so you can surf in a clean cyber ocean.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Feishu Clip Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Feishu Clip Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Immersion-reading mode of Chrome extensions, similar to Safari read mode.
Universal open source web clipper.
一个还不错的微信读书笔记工具,方便你导出书本标注等内容,对常使用 Markdown 做笔记的用户比较有帮助。
This extension makes it easy to save images and save screenshots to Eagle App.
从界面到功能,全面提升你的 flomo 使用体验
支持将飞书文档的内容以 Markdown 格式导出