A very simple plugin I made to help with any study requiring rote memorisation. Treat any number of web pages like flashcards in the Leitner System (Google it). I mainly use it with Wikipedia pages. When a page is added, its associated with a number of tickets, 10 by default. Then click the next button to go to a randomly-generated page. The probability of it being any given page is proportional to the number of tickets that page has been allocated. For instance, if Page A has 10 tickets and Page B has 20 tickets, B will be generated with twice the frequency of A. Its all relative - a ratio of 10:20 is equivalent to 1:2, is equivalent to 40:80. Ill try and explain the basic idea behind the Leitner System now. As youre studying, if you end up at a page with content you feel you already know, then DECREASE the number of tickets it has (or delete it altogether). If you get one where youve forgotten some or all of the content, then INCREASE the number of tickets it has. Then, on average, you should end up reviewing less-familiar stuff more often. Clear as mud? Good then.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the FlashCards Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the FlashCards Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Learn languages while browsing the Internet!
This extension provides the ability to create anki cards directly from Google Chrome on your Anki Desktop.
Learning with Texts | Save Vocabulary in Content with Sentences you read
Use these interactive browser-based flash cards to easily learn Spanish vocabulary.
FlashTabs is a digital flashcard app in your new tab screen. Create decks, add some cards, then learn every time you open a new tab.
Passive vocabulary building extension
helps with learning
Vocabulary manager
Flashcard clipper for any webpage. Add notes and quiz questions. Learn and memorize using spaced repetition to remember everything.
This extention will create your vocabulary flash card automatically based on your accessing URLs.