This extension has a limit: You can not chain two substitution rules, .e.g: Font-A --> Font-B Font-B --> Font-C does not conclude Font-A --> Font-C If I have time Ill make a similar extension about fonts. Thanks for your support. Change Logs: v2.4.0 fix translations and add a local switch for who wants to disable this extension (on macbook pro?) v2.3.1 remove redundant files v2.3.0 now reset will auto-remove the effect added to the webpages v2.2.1 small improvement about the CSS about element and font-face v2.2.0 the problem about no replacement happening was fixed
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Force Custom Fonts Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Force Custom Fonts Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
가독성 좋은 글씨를 보여줍니다.
Replaces Helvetica Neue font family from CSS font stack to use next fallback.
将页面的中文字体替换为更美观的微软雅黑字体,部分英文替换为效果较好的Segoe UI,by Longhore
The easiest font setting extension.
Changes all the UI font to a user-given font.
Font Rendering Enhancer for Chrome. Darker and clearer text on the pages (http and https).
Force the use of “Microsoft YaHei” font for CJK text (though Chinese/Japanese/Korean text is not very useful for foreign users).
Demonstrates the chrome.fontSettings API by allowing users to modify the style of displayed fonts on web pages.