Double click on a gene name or supported accession to retrieve information about it and links to related resources. Information can be displayed as a detailed report or as a minimal tooltip with links to outside resources. The information displayed can be customized via the extensions popup menu. Information is from UniProt, BioGRID, Compartments subcellular localization database, Cancer Dependency Map, Gene Ontology Consortium, HGNC, Human Protein Atlas, IntAct, OMIM, Pfam, ProteomicsDB and Reactome. Support is provided for human and model organism genes. IMPORTANT: - reports will not open in tabs that were open prior to installation. After installing, reload any open tabs or restart Chrome.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Gene Info Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Gene Info Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
A next generation text analysis tool
This extension allows for in-text referencing of gene symbols.
EasyPubMedicine makes PubMed easy to use
Shows impact factors/JCR quartile, filter search results by impact factors/JCR quartile, and more
Fast, one-click access to millions of research papers.
scite allows users to see how a publication has been cited, providing the citation context and classification
Extend for visualization of expression, variant, and phenotype data
Show links to existing PubPeer comments
BaCON (Bioinformatic CONtext menus) adds a right-click menu, containing various quick-tools to use with selected biological data.