Go Back There is a handy extension to go back to an article or web page that you recently visited on a website. To access the extension, just click on the icon in the toolbar, and the popup will display the recent history for the site you are currently on. To open link in a new tab, hold shift and then click. If you are a power user, then type > + Enter in the omni-box, and search away. The extension currently is limited to searching history upto 4 weeks back in order to keep it speedy. There is an additional feature in the Option menu to configure relative URLs to work with multiple sites. This is something thats probably useful for a developer or a QA who is testing multiple test instances of a website. Future plans are to increase the history time period by adding a cache. Open to suggestions. The code is open source, and is available at https://github.com/kavanpuranik/go-back-there
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Go Back There Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Go Back There Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
This extension places a back and forward and goto top button on the page near the bottom of the window
A history stack that doesn't discard the forward entries when you navigate.
This extension will restore the functionality of pressing backspace to go to the previous page, and shift+backspace to go forward.
Provides a menu with your previous tabs in order of access - never loose track of you last tab again!
Use the back 'key' to close the tab if there are no pages to go back to. When it closes, go to the tab that created it.
This extension displays a list of your bookmarks filtered by instant search. That's it.
Go back with your middle mouse button.
Scroll Preview integrates a whole-page preview with scrollbar that inspired by Sublime Text's mini map.
push backspace button to return previous page.
Show the relevant pages in your browsing history while searching on Google or viewing any web page.