HashMaps lets you search for places and directions straight from the address bar. HOW TO USE: Once installed, in the address box, type in #, and press either Space or Tab. Thats it! Now look for places or directions. NEW: You can save commonly used addresses like Home or Work, which would allow you to search something like 'home to McGill University'. To save: Click on the Extension icon next to the address bar, and put in addresses. Or, go to chrome://extensions, find HashMaps, and click on the Options button. Note that you dont need to do this if youve already saved your Home/Work addresses in your Google Account. TO SEARCH FOR PLACES: Simply type in the name of the place, and press Enter. Example: 'McGill University'. Screencast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGTYNvsGLgU TO SEARCH FOR DIRECTIONS: Type in the origin and the destination separated by a to, and press Enter. Example: 'Montreal to New York'. Screencast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPGPeumO-d4 MOTIVATION: While travelling in India, I often want to look up directions and places on Google Maps. But given that internet speeds are still somewhat iffy, the process is a pain. To look up directions, I have to first load maps.google.com, then enter locations, and then search. That extra step of loading the landing page significantly slows things down. But thats not why I wrote HashMaps. Given Chromes excellent address bar - Omnibox - I now no longer have to go to google.com to search for something; I can just search from the address bar (this is of course also true for Firefox, but it sometimes craps out when it sees a colon: it thinks youre supplying a port). The process feels much more natural. That was the idea behind this extension. I use Google Maps on a regular basis, and the extra step of going to maps.google.com seemed unnecessary. I should be able to search for directions using my address bar, just like I use it for searching for other things. That, and Im lazy. ICON CREDITS: http://www.flaticon.com/authors/freepik WHATS NEW: - Saving Home/Work addresses! - New, snazzier icon, courtesy: Freepik - Suggestions! Start typing and see suggested locations. Dont worry, your search history isnt saved at all: all suggestions are created dynamically when you type by smartly interacting with the Google Maps API.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the HashMaps Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the HashMaps Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
You can now enjoy one-click access to Maps, Directions and Traffic Conditions - all in one toolbar!
Adds an 'Open as...' context menu with configurable actions: search, open on an API, 100% scriptable (via CoffeeScript).
Change satellite images in mapping websites.
Popup info box on Wikipedia.org articles, Omnibox search with keword 'w', and right-click search a highlighted term.
Constructs a map of the web using the user's browser history.
Get directions by right-clicking highlighted text.
Tool to convert URL between different maps tools as Google Maps, Bing Maps, OpenStreetMap, TripGo
An extension for analyzing, interrogating, and troubleshooting ArcGIS REST Services.
History of Automatical Arrangement & Search
This extension helps in showing location on Google maps or search a phrase on Google search