RU: Конвертация HTML страниц в книжный формат (fb2, epub, etc.). На текущий момент доступна конвертация в формат FB2 для сайтов и EN: HTML pages to book format converter (fb2, epub, etc.). Only basic conversion into FB2 format for and sites is supported currently.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Html2Book Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Html2Book Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Create offline e-books from web pages and '' with a single click on the icon.
Convert any webpage into an e-book
Extension that converts Web Novels (and other web pages) into an EPUB for offline reading. Works with many sites, including: 1.…
You can download files to the theme folder: music in the music folder, movies in the movie folder, etc.
Send web articles to your Kindle
Save a web page or selection as eBook (.epub)
Show web pages as a reading mode by your defines.
Improved EPUB exporter for Fimfiction
A better, smarter and more readable web.
Create custom ebooks from your favorite blogs and websites.