Extension that converts Web Novels (and other web pages) into an EPUB for offline reading. Works with many sites, including: 1. Baka-Tsuki.org 2. ArchiveOfOurOwn.org 3. FanFiction.net. 4. royalroad.com 5. www.readlightnovel.com (partial support) 6. Numerous other light novel sites To use with Baka-Tsuki: 1. Browse to a Baka-Tsuki web page that has the full text of a story. 2. Click on the WebToEpub icon on top right of the Chrome window. 3. Check story details are correct. 4. Select image to use for cover. 5. Click the 'Pack EPUB' button. 6. Wait for progress bar to finish (indicating the images being downloaded) and the generated EPUB to be placed in your downloads directory. To use with Archive Of Our Own: 1. Browse to first chapter of story you want. 2. Click on the WebToEpub icon on top right of the Chrome window. 3. Check story details are correct. 5. Click the 'Pack EPUB' button. 6. Wait for progress bar to finish (indicating the additional chapters are being downloaded) and the generated EPUB to be placed in your downloads directory. To use with Royal Road/Readlightnovel 1. Browse to web page that has list of chapters of story you want. 2. Click on the WebToEpub icon on top right of the Chrome window. 3. Check story details are correct. 5. Click the 'Pack EPUB' button. 6. Wait for progress bar to finish (indicating the additional chapters are being downloaded) and the generated EPUB to be placed in your downloads directory. This software is licensed under GPL v3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html Source code can be found at https://github.com/dteviot/WebToEpub. Or you can just unzip the chrome extension, as the code is javascript. If youd like to help with testing the latest Beta version, the latest version and instructions for loading it can be found at https://github.com/dteviot/WebToEpub/tree/ExperimentalTabMode
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the WebToEpub Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the WebToEpub Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Sleek and powerful EPUB reader that lets you read ePub files directly in your browser. FREE and easy to use.
Create offline e-books from web pages and 'overdrive.com' with a single click on the icon.
Downloading images naming in order, from multiple tabs into separate folders
Convert any webpage into an e-book
Read epub files directly in the browser
HTML pages to book format converter (fb2, epub, etc.).
Save a web page or selection as eBook (.epub)
Improved EPUB exporter for Fimfiction
Download Manga/Manhua/Manhwa/Webtoons/Comics chapters as PDF/ZIP(images) from many websites.
Create custom ebooks from your favorite blogs and websites.