Iconic History is a Chrome extension that visualizes your browser history in favicons. It creates a favicon for each url you visited, and then compiles all favicons into a huge sequence based on access time. You can not only see all history in the past four months in a page, but also identify personal browsing habits through the straightforward visual presentation of your online life.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Iconic History Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Iconic History Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
The only browser history you will ever want to keep.
Displays interactive charts and statistics of your entire browsing history.
A nice and modern look for browser's history page.
A simple history in a one click pop-up: view your recent browser history, recently closed tabs, most visited pages, recent bookmarks
Constructs a map of the web using the user's browser history.
Awesome button to open the Chrome history in a new window or tab. If the history page is already open, that tab is selected.
Quer bloquear textos relacionados ao Big Brother no facebook?
Search your history using the calendar visualization, and get keen insights into your browsing behaviour. Replaces normal History.
This extension demonstrates history as tree
Supercharge your Chrome history. Fetching is your personal Google for all the web pages you've seen.