This is 'IE View WE' addon ported from Firefox to Chrome. It enables you to switch between browsers very easily, based on predefined URL patterns. This requires its own binary module. Before you install this to your Chrome, you need to install the native messaging host by these steps: 1. Download a zip package '' from 2. Unzip downloaded file. 3. Double-click the batch file named 'install.bat'. 4. Install this 'IE View WE' extension to your Chrome. For business use, this extension supports managed storage to provide fixed configs by the system administrator. Please see also documents about Managed Storage API for developers. Summarized Changelog for v1.6.5: Add support for multiple sections of ThinBridge configs.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the IE View WE Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the IE View WE Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Send current page's link or all tabs to Microsoft Edge browser or define optional left-click opening rules.
Alternate User-Agent to IE8
IEability, run Internet Explorer in Chrome, use IE Tab mode to display your web pages, and seamlessly switch between IE and Chrome
enables auto-parsing and navigation of current url
Lets you load pages in IE with a single right-click context menu
Send HTML links and webpages directly to the Internet Explorer browser without copy and paste!
Open links in IE (Internet Explorer)