Simple extension that allows alternating user-agent string to Interent Explorer 8 for specific sites.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the IE8 User-Agent Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the IE8 User-Agent Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
IEability, run Internet Explorer in Chrome, use IE Tab mode to display your web pages, and seamlessly switch between IE and Chrome
Lets you load pages in IE with a single right-click context menu
Cloud-base Browser for Chromebook,Mac,Linux ! Display web pages with Java,Silverlight,ActiveX,Flash ! Runs Internet Explorer IE7-11)
Send HTML links and webpages directly to the Internet Explorer browser without copy and paste!
Provides ability to open pages and links by Internet Explorer (Cloned IE View based on WebExtensions-based)
Open links in IE (Internet Explorer)