Imgur Extender Chrome Extension

Imgur Extender chrome extension

Imgur Extender for Chrome Download

  • Chrome Extension Page
  • Total Number of Extension users:
    142 +
  • Reviewed by :
    10 Chrome Users
  • Author Name:
  • ['True', 'ZacMuerte']
Imgur Extender chrome extension is Hopefully people will stop bothering @Sarah for new loading gifs every 30 seconds.
   Removed 'tabs' permission (otherwise known as 'all browsing data'). This did remove the functionality to verify only 1 settings page was open, but I felt the peace of mind from not requiring the permission anymore was worth it.
   All new settings page, thanks to @SoulExpression, and some backend to some interesting settings coming up.
   Everything is back to normal, except userIDs will no longer be shown by default, as they are no longer transmitted by default.
   Imgur did some huge rework on how the code is written, so I had to rip out everything except for the loading icon changing bit. sorry. should be working properly in about a week or so.
   I fixed some long-standing bugs (I couldnt fix them before as they were complex issues I didnt quite understand. Im learning this as I go). The only errors that should be there are from problems out of my control (the settings not loading is a common one).
   Resizing the loading icons is currently disabled until I figure out why its broken
   yknow how the last changelog made it look like I did check everything? nope. streamlined the code a LOT more now (and it shouldnt spit out thousands of errors now, because I hooked an event to a function that indirectly fires the event, and yeah...) made the settings page display the version youre running, and it should actually work a bit more predictably now
   forgot to do through bugtesting. settings page should work now. favorite tagging broke with the optimization last time, I havent fixed that, but it was useless for now anyways
   cleaned up a lot of the code, and streamlined it a BUNCH. I know a lot of people had problems with it locking up/eating all the memory. this should help a bunch.
   cleaned up the tagging system, getting it ready for adding user-chosen tags


This started out as an extension to replace the loading icons, but has become so much more. As of right now, it can: 
-replace the loading icons with any image you want
-put a badge on imgur staff using their main acocunts in the comments
-mark your own comments to make them easier to find
-list everyones author IDs (not very useful, but its there!)
-and Im still adding features! like:
 -favoriting comments for later viewing
 -select multiple images to use for different size loading icons
 -gif preview in the side pane
 -any good suggestions I receive! (I can be contacted @ZacMuerte on imgur)

Explanation of permissions:
I received some complaints about how many permissions I request, so let me break it down, so you can understand Im not being evil:
 -read all data on imgur: rather self-explanatory. Im going to be scraping the page and then adding stuff to it, as well as modifying requests that it makes (the loading icon)
 -browsing history: this is where I get complaints. I use this permission to check if you opened a tab to imgur, that is it. if the URL does not contain I ignore it (I cant even touch the page anyways). there are ways around using this permission, but it would be rather clunky.
 -other permissions chrome doesnt warn you about: storage (to save your settings), webRequest[blocking] (allows me to modify where the loading icon is pulled from)
Upvote picture. country comments. upvoted. Profit!?! comments

How to install Imgur Extender chrome extension in chrome Browser

You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Imgur Extender Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.

  • Step 1: Go to the Chrome webstore or download the extension Imgur Extender Chrome Extension Download from
  • Step 2: Now search for the Imgur Extender in Chrome Webstore Search and click on the search button.
  • Step 3: click on the Imgur Extender Chrome Extension Link
  • Step 4: in the next page click on the Add to Chrome button to Download and Install the Imgur Extender extension for your Chrome Web browser .

Imgur Extender Chrome extension Download

Looking for a method to Imgur Extender Download for Chrome then this download link is for you.

It is the Imgur Extender Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.

Download Imgur Extender chrome extension (CRX)

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