Instantly highlight anything you select in current page, just a simulation of Chromes search function, but way more efficient and easy-to-use. *Version 0.7 New feautres - case sensitive option, default is not *Version 0.5 New features - add Chrome 33 support - highlight and search at the same time(wont suppress Chrome bulit-in context menu any more) 即时高亮你在当前页面选中的所有相同内容,如同 Chrome 内置的搜索功能一样,但是更简单、更易用、更多配置! *0.7版新功能 - 支持大小写敏感匹配选项,默认不敏感 *0.5版新功能 - 支持 Chrome 33 - 高亮关键词同时可以右键搜索,无需重复选中
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the In-page Highlighter Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the In-page Highlighter Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Highlight your text right in the webpage.
Make creating ,viewing and managing highlight easier
Highlight text on websites with a simple right-click or 'key'board shortcut. Saves highlights on your device.
Double click a word to highlight all occurances. Double clicking another word will highlight the new words.
This extension will help you store and highlight phrases or chunks of text, and add description if needed.
You can point out important information in long webpages by highlighting text with your mouse. And you can share this highlighted…
Make permanent, private highlights on any web page.
Change websites' selection color
Highlight similar words on the page. (on double tap/click)
Highlight occurrences of selected text, with or without a 'key'press.