Download Keyboard Shortcuts chrome extension. Set custom 'key'board shortcuts for Chrome: View extension options, or browse to chrome://extensions/shortcuts to set. and install in your Google chrome browser. This is Direct Keyboard Shortcuts Crx download for Chrome it is also called Keyboard Shortcuts offline CRX for chrome Download. This Keyboard Shortcuts is used to Set custom 'key'board shortcuts for Chrome: View extension options, or browse to chrome://extensions/shortcuts to set.
Custom 'key'board shortcuts for your browser
Global shortcuts working everywhere (including outside of Chrome if you wish).
Allows you to add custom hot'key's to a website.
This extension provides shortcuts to locations in Google Chrome
Disable arbitrary 'key'board shortcuts
Customize 'key'board shortcuts and hot'key's, Mouse gestures, Wheel gestures, Rocker gestures, Bookmark shortcuts, Joystick actions.
Closes highlighted tabs. To replace ctrl-w on Windows/Linux for Vim users!
Lets you create a 'key'board shortcut to the extensions page
Shortcuts for Google Chrome! Customizable with many actions.
Customisable hot'key's for basic browser actions.