Have you ever wanted to link to a specific place in a web page, but the pages authors forgot to tell you the right link target? This extension finds the nearest linkable place in the page before the text youve selected and links there. This extension uses the new activeTab permission to avoid running on any page except the ones you explicitly ask it to, so it currently only supports the Chrome beta channel. WARNING: This extension will probably do badly on pages with iframes, especially cross-origin iframes. Well fix this eventually...
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Link to Here Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Link to Here Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Copy the text of a link and its hyperlink as one.
Allows you to easily see and copy hidden anchors within a webpage.
Displays anchors for all content in the current web page without breaking the layout.
Navigate paginated webpages using your 'key'board's arrow 'key's. Perfect for search results, image galleries and more.
Creates a hyperlink to the current page from the selected text in one click via the context (right click) menu
Provides previews to external links, images, and videos in articles when a link is hover over.